By grace alone we are saved.

“For by grace we have been saved through faith, and this is not our own doing;        

it is a gift of God.”  Ephesians 2:8

First Lutheran is God’s Church, not ours. We begin with grace; meaning that everything we’re about begins with God’s love for us collectively and individually. Jesus gave us His heart so that we could, in turn, be “The Heart of Christ In the Heart of the CIty.” In all circumstances we are free and blessed so that we might become a living, loving community of blessing for all. We know that we can’t be a church of great service on our own, God’s grace makes it possible.

First Lutheran is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. Since 1989 we’ve been explicitly and vibrantly welcoming people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, races, and ethnic backgrounds. Being so, enriches and greatly strengthens our community.

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Wednesday Night Midweek Lent Schedule

Take some time out during Lent

City Walk 4:30
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Soup & Salad 5:45
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Holden Evening Prayer 6:30
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Book Study 7:00

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Opening Doors Since 1888
A place to belong

Since 1888, First Lutheran has been in downtown San Diego, welcoming people from all walks of life and from all over the world. From the beginning, First has been a place of multicultural diversity and openness to the wondrous variety in the human experience. Granted, in 1888, cultural diversity and welcome in a Lutheran congregation meant it was not just a place of German heritage, but Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, and…even Fins were welcome. As narrow a perspective as that looks, it set the stage for First to be a place with an open door. An open welcome is in First's organizational DNA.

Joining Together in Service

During WWI First’s doors opened to welcome the men and women who came from all around the U.S., far from home, to train and serve in the military. During the Great Depression, members came together to welcome and care for those coming West to find work. When WWII broke out, soldiers, sailors, and marines poured through the harbor on their way to and from the Pacific theater; First was here to welcome and care. In the 1960s, when many businesses and organizations fled the city, First made a clear-eyed and faithful decision to stay put.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

Welcoming All
Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, and Equity

1970s, First began intentionally welcoming and serving people who found themselves on society's social and financial margins. We are still active in that welcome through our Third Ave. Charitable Organization (TACO) ministry. In the 1980s, First took an early and bold step to welcome those in the LGBTQ+ community explicitly. Today, we regularly welcome folks from Africa, South America, the Middle East, and even as far away as Ramona, Poway, and New York! We are never sure who will make their way to First. Today, we are equally thrilled to welcome YOU!  Wherever you are from, whatever your previous experience, and wherever you are on your faith journey, we are excited to welcome you to God's table. This is the place.

Bible Study
Sunday at 9:00am
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Office hours
M, T, Th: 2-5
W, F: 11-2