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In the fall of 2021, FLC conducted a survey to assess the vitality of the congregation. A team formed and was tasked by the Congregational Council to create a strategic (or intentional) ministry plan for First Lutheran Church. This  plan will guide our ministry together over the next few years. We were to call upon God to walk with us through the process and to work with the congregation for ideas, direction, energy, and action. 

Congregational Priorities 

1)    Connecting with Each Other

2)    Fostering Leadership within the Congregation

3)    Attending to our Virtual Community

4)    Incorporating Children/Youth/Families into the Life of the Congregation

5)    Justice issue focus is Anti-Racism, Diversity & Racial Justice

We have been working hard to include these ministry goals in our work and service at FLC. How have you seen us attending to one or more of these goals at FLC? Leave a comment below to let us know!

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