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Greetings First Lutheran,

Sooner than we know it, the season of Advent will be upon us and we will be
preparing for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It has been our practice for
many years here at First, to participate in our Welcome the Babe project. This
seasonal donation allows us to purchase specific baby items and create baby care
kits for Lutheran World Relief. The kits are sent to mothers in need everywhere
that LWR works and are so greatly cherished and appreciated by each mother.
Given the price increases for the items required to make up one baby kit as well as
the cost of shipping, it is probable that we will donate fewer kits than the 50 we
donated last year. However, any number of baby care kits that we can send
Lutheran World Relief will be deeply cherished.

Last year, we estimated the cost of the items in each kit to be approximately $45
with $5 additional for shipping. As it turned out, shipping costs were double what
we budgeted for. This year, we will set aside the money for the shipping first
(between $500 and $600), then purchase the items for the kits. We should be able
to get Thrivent grants to assist with both expenditures as well.
All that being said, Id like to humbly ask for your help in giving to this wonderful
need. Any donation amount will be greatly appreciated. Your donation can be
made directly through Tithely or be given to Joann Masters at church: make your
check out to First Lutheran Church and write Welcome the Babe in the memo.
More information will follow in the coming weeks.  Thank you to all, for your
support on this important project.

Joann Masters

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