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TACOs Executive Director, Susan Fleming, has accepted a new position as Executive Director at The Door of Hope, a Salvation Army-run facility in the Kearny Mesa area that provides housing, medical and mental health support, and job opportunities for up to 400 men, women, and children experiencing homelessness. This is a significant step up for her. We are sorry to see Susan leave, but are happy that she'll continue to do great work for those experiencing and working their way out of homelessness. Lorena Gilligan, our current TACO administrator, will be stepping in on an interim basis. 
Susan came to us during the COVID 19 shut down and shepherded our TACO ministry during those difficult months. She brought a big smile and a firm hand which was much needed in that time. We have been blessed with her presence. 
Please pray for Deacon Margy Schmitt-Ajer, our current Board President, Troy Hanson and Kara Oien, dedicated Board members, and Lorena and the whole staff during the coming days of transition. We pray for Susan and her family. We are grateful for her time with us and for being a part of the everyday ministry of TACO on behalf of the marginalized and homeless here in San Diego.