Welcome to First!
We're glad you're here.

Whether you're new to town or just new to our congregation, we'll get you plugged in! Many people think church is only for "saints," but our grace-based faith teaches that church is for everyone because we all need the grace and mercy that Jesus has already given us. Come as you are. Before your first visit, you may be wondering:

  • What is it like?

We are currently hosting one worship service at 10:00 am. Our worship style is traditional, with hymns and liturgy that may be familiar to some already.

  • What do I wear?

We invite you to come as you are. You'll find our members and guests dressed from T-shirts to suits. Please dress in whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

  • What about my kids?

We welcome kids of all ages! And don't worry about dressing your kids in their "Sunday best" - we want everyone to feel comfortable, whatever that means to you. During a portion of the service, we will invite any children present to join a special kids' ministry, where they can enjoy Bible stories and activities at their level.

  • Where do I park?

Parking is free in the First Lutheran Church lot on Sundays. Enter the lot on 3rd Avenue right behind the church and park in any spot. If parking is full, you can park across the street in the Ace lot on Sundays for free. Please do not park in the "Tower" residential lot at 3rd and Beech St, as this is a private lot.

  • How can I get connected?

If you'd like to become a member or get involved in church activities, please let Pastor Kurt or anyone from our hospitality team know during your visit. Or you can call Erin in the office at 619-234-6149. We'd love to get you involved!